23 Biking Safety Tips That You Should Not Ignore for Riding Safely

Biking Safety Tips

23 Biking Safety Tips that you Should follow!

Here are the biking safety tips that will keep you safe and fellow pedestrians, car drivers and more.

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Ride the Right Bike Size

When it comes to finding the right bike size, there are a few things you need to take into account.

Ideally, your feet should be flat on the ground while you are sitting on the cycle/bike.

Most (if not all) bike manufacturers publish a sizing chart with many numbers for various measurements. If you have a bike that is too big or too small, it will hinder your bike handling and control.

Check for Loose Screws and Bolts and pumped up tires

When you’re out for a bike ride, it’s essential to check your bike before you leave to make sure everything is tight. It includes the handlebars, stem, pedals, and other loose screws or nuts. It can be hazardous if something comes loose while you’re riding.

Also, keep an eye out for rattling; this could signify that something is about to fall off.

Check for bent spokes as well. Bent spokes can strike you and cause your cycle wheels to malfunction, so before a ride, check those as well.

Finally, check for pumped-up tires. You should keep a hand up nearby or carry it.

Ensure the Brakes are Working

You can do a few things to ensure your brakes are working correctly. Check your brake pads every week and make sure they’re contacting the wheel or disc rotor. Three, if your bike isn’t stopping as quickly as it used to or if the brake pads are screeching when you brake, it might be time for a new set of brake pads.

Use Cycle Headlights

New models of headlights have Daytime Run Lights, which is a feature that changes the light beams so they can be seen by drivers, especially in urban areas where there can be distractions.  

Before buying front lights for your bike, consider brightness, weight, mounting type, and battery run times.

You can use a headlight, a tail light, lights on the spokes, and your helmets.

You can set the lights in flashing mode, which attracts more eyes during nighttime.

Use a Tail Light and a Bell

Always use a bell to notify other people that you are passing through or want to move fast. The tail light will also help car drivers to see you. This will avoids accidents and will improve your safety.

Wear High Visibility Clothing

There are many benefits to wearing high-visibility clothing, both day and night. For example, wearing a bright vest over dark textile makes you much more visible to drivers and can help prevent bike accidents. Additionally, reflective Velcro straps on your ankles make you visible from all angles and increase your safety when walking or biking in the dark.

Wear A Bike Helmet

There are many opinions and laws when it comes to wearing bike helmets. Depending on where you live, the law may require that cyclists wear a helmet of a certain standard, only during specific activities, or not at all. There are also different rules for adults and children. Bike Helmet safety is an important issue, and there are many pros and cons to wearing them.

Use Sunscreen

It is essential to protect your skin from the sun by using sunscreen when going outside. Sunscreen can help prevent sunburns and skin cancer. Additionally, wear sunglasses on sunny days to protect your eyes. Lastly, bike bells are often required in some countries, so make sure to use them when biking!

Decide Your Cycling Route Before Going out

When you’re driving somewhere new, it’s always good to plan out your route before leaving home. This way, you know exactly where you’re going, and you can avoid getting lost. A great free tool to help with this is Google Maps.

If you are going into the wilderness, let your loved ones know the route before going out.

Avoid Busy Intersections

Being caught in the middle of an intersection is dangerous for cyclists because drivers often do not see them. 50% of drivers failed to look at cyclists in a study. Additionally, 28% of cyclist fatalities occurred at intersections. There are safe ways to avoid intersections if you’re a cyclist, such as making hook turns or pedestrian crossings.

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Ride on Wider Roads

There are two schools of thought about narrow roads. The first and more popular one is that they should be widened to allow more traffic. The other argument is that country roads should be quieter and less trafficked so that drivers can enjoy the scenery and wildlife.

Avoid Peak Hours

When traffic is low, there is less of a chance of an accident happening because there are fewer cars on the road. For this reason, it’s safer to ride your bike on the streets during these times.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

When biking, always be aware of your surroundings and keep an ear out for oncoming traffic – especially trucks, which can create a dangerous situation if they don’t see you.

Do not Be on Call While Riding

It is unsafe to use your phone while cycling because you cannot pay attention to the road. Stop at a safe place before using your phone so that you can be aware of your surroundings.

Also, do not wear any headphones or earphones that will not allow you to hear car honking, announcements, or other sounds from the road.

Ride in A Predictable Manner

When riding in a straight line and signaling your intent, you communicate with other riders and drivers on the road. This allows them to predict your movements and makes for a safer ride for everyone.

And always use your two hands to steer the cycle.

Do not Over speed

It’s essential to slow down when descending a twisty road or riding over rough surfaces. You risk losing control of your bike, and other vehicles might run into you. Ride at a speed appropriate to the weather, road surface, and traffic conditions to minimise these risks.

Don’t Drink and Ride

Biking while under the influence is just as dangerous as driving drunk; it may be even more so because you’re not protected by a car. Additionally, it is illegal to bike while drinking in most states.

Always Do Stop at Red Signals

When you’re on a bike, it’s important to remember that you’re a vehicle just like any other at traffic lights. Stop at the red light, and wait your turn like everyone else. Jumping at the green light not only puts you and others in danger but turns public opinion against us.

Use Hand Signals

It is important to use hand signals when driving to communicate with other drivers. These signals are universal so that everyone will understand them. Always give yourself time to adjust when changing lanes, turning, and use good manners when signaling.

Slow Down at Intersections

When approaching intersections, it is essential to be aware of your surroundings and watch out for other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. If you find yourself in the middle of traffic, it is best to use a crosswalk or make a hook turn.

Recent Canadian research has found that 50% of drivers do not look at cyclists when approaching busy intersections due to distractions such as using their phones or talking to passengers.

Carry Extra Cash

It is always essential to have some spare cash on you when biking in an emergency.

This extra fund will help you; make phone calls, get a cab, and even for emergencies like your bike needs a minimal repair while on the streets.

Always bring extra cash every time you go on biking. It will help you save your day.

Keep Your Emergency Details Ready

It’s always a good idea to have emergency contact information on your person, if something happens and you need help. 

You can also consider having this information on your mobile phone to access it in case of an emergency easily.

Some people also use a bike phone mount to attach their mobile phone to the handlebars, allowing easy access to the device while riding.

Carry a Saddle Bag

There is a constant battle between practicality and aesthetics regarding saddlebags. Many cyclists want a saddlebag that can carry a spare tube, two tire levers, and a patch kit, but they don’t want it to be bulky or ugly.  

Ultimately, it’s up to the individual cyclist to decide what is more important to them.


While riding outside, the safety of you and others should be of the highest priority. These biking safety tips will help your rides be safer.

We hope this set of biking safety tips is helpful for you. You can get our female chest armour, to make sure you can feel protected on bike rides. We recommend always wearing a helmet, especially if you grow older. You can avoid head injuries in this way. We hope you found those tips helpful!