Insurance is a way to manage your risk. When you buy insurance, you purchase protection against unexpected financial losses. If you have no insurance and an accident happens, you may be responsible for all related costs. However lets discover what insurance does and would you need one.
You’ve Got Life Insurance, But Can It Protect Your Body?
Getting an insurance is almost inevitable for everyone due to the benefits it offers. For example, life insurance gives you and your family a sense of financial security during tough days; car insurance covers the hefty repair costs following an accident. Undoubtedly, insurance saves you money. But have you ever wondered what’s there to reduce your physical pain? Perhaps nothing else can be adequate insurance for your body except robust body armour!
Of course, life insurance is important for a worry-free life. Nonetheless, your physical well-being is as important as your money – or maybe more!
Is Getting an Insurance Important?
As an athlete who has spent most of my life pursuing my dreams of motorbiking and swimming, I know exactly how bad it feels when you can’t perform an activity due to an accident. While an insurance won’t reduce the physical pain in such situations, it, at least, helps you on the financial front.
My recent tip up north is the perfect example. Just before my departure, I upgraded my roadside assistance to the maximum premium for under $200. 1089klm from home, my VW transporter van broke down. Being stuck in the little town of Bowen in rural Qld meant there was no European car specialist to attend to this. Even if there was one, it would require me to stay for several weeks to wait for the repair work, which wasn’t possible. Upgrading my RACQ insurance saved me from all the hassle of arranging an accommodation, transportation, and my vehicle repair, which would have otherwise cost me $4500.
So, if you ask me about getting insurance, my answer is a resounding yes! An insurance can’t help you avoid accidents and emergencies, but it definitely empowers you to handle such situations better.
How To Insure Your Body Against Traumas?

When you’re involved in an extensive activity, you cannot avoid sudden falls and impacts and the subsequent trauma. In fact, that’s the thing an athlete is always ready for. But you can at least reduce the intensity of the damage and pain.
The sudden pressure, the force that could otherwise badly damage your soft tissues, muscles, and tendons, rendering you dysfunctional for days or weeks, can be greatly reduced if armour is there to absorb the force.
So, while wearing armour isn’t a part of health/life insurance, it’s a practical demonstration of what an insurance plan should do. While the latter serves you after an accident happens, impacting your physique and health, body armour serves you before, reducing, and often, preventing the impact.
How Fempro Armour Adds to Your Insurance
As you know, Fempro is a specialized body armour provider, serving athletes, riders and the vulnerable alike. Our goal is to provide our customers, especially the women, with a worry-free lifestyle. For us, it’s important that you remain safe, whether you’re venturing out on a bike ride, giving your best in a rugby match of your team, or are performing other day-to-day activities.
As I highlighted above, we’re a strong supporter of insurance – not only the typical insurance offered by various insurance providers, but we also champion preventive insurance for your body. That means we know how important it is to design body armour that not only protects against impacts but also ensures comfort for the wearer. Moreover, Fempro specializes in women’s body armour, which means we know how the armour should contour to your body shape.
With such a product, rest assured that you won’t get much hurt during any accidents, falls, and impacts. Once you are confident about your well-being, you can focus better on what other damage has happened and how you need to fix it. That’s where your insurance plan would facilitate you.
With this two-way sense of security, you can input maximum effort wherever needed. Whether it’s about high-impact sports like rugby, something with high fall probabilities like mountain bike rides, or an intense activity like swimming, you can confidently perform at your best!
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