Category Archives: Protective Gear

Concussions and CTE in Impact Sports: Understanding the Risks and Protective Measures

Impact sports such as Rugby, NRL, AFL, and American football carry inherent risks of head [...]

Breast Injuries Often Unexamined & Unaddressed

A few months ago I had the privilege to meet Dr. Deirdre E McGhee at [...]

What are the safety devices used in sports?

One armour does NOT equal to another armour, however safety pads and guards are standard [...]

Does body armor actually protect you?

When it comes to motorcycle safety, one of the most common questions we encounter at [...]

How to determine what protective gear you need?

Your landing on this page means you recognize the importance of wearing protective gear. Robust [...]

How does Injury Affect Athletic Performance?

In the world of sports, female athletes frequently encounter blows to the chest during training [...]

Rugby League and Union: Enhancing Women’s Safety

Women’s participation in sports, particularly contact sports like Rugby Union and AFL, is reaching new [...]

What are the factors influencing girls in sports?

It’s a fact – by 14, girls drop out of sports at twice the rate [...]

Should I let my daughter play rugby?

Most of us have been brought up with the idea that rugby is a “boys” [...]

Are Female Athletes Susceptible to Injury?

Is it true that women athletes are more susceptible to injury? In an ideal world, all [...]